I'm a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Spatio-temporal Big Data Analytics, Urban Mobility and Crime Science.



Description: iPlace is the finest space-temporal insight for places and areas, providing deep insights of human activity (visiting patterns, footfalls) and mobility (flow, migration) in big and small areas, cities based upon advanced space-time analytics, which can support business and government for place-related decision making. iPlace is the finest space-temporal insight for places and areas, providing deep insights of human activity (visiting patterns, footfalls) and mobility (flow, migration) in big and small areas, cities based upon advanced space-time analytics, which can support business and government for place-related decision making.


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iPlace support human activity (footfall traffic) patterns base upon abundant place types, such as retails, transportations, eating and drinking venues, etc. Tailored temporal scales including hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly are also provided.

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iPlace also offers population statistics categorized by various time intervals of their foot traffic in a specific area or place.

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By building retail impact index (RII) based on the venues vitality (population footfalls), iPlace provide the ranking within specific markets for any target urban area.

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iPlace support retail recovering index (RRI) to help understand and evaluate the industry, business and retail recovery (e.g., post-COVID-19 or after a natural disaster) based upon data-driven insights.

* Please contact SpacetimeAI for access to the product dashboard.

Product page